Chiropractic care is a safe and gentle way to treat many issues that babies and children may face.
Some common conditions that parents have reported improvements in include:
- Latch/feeding issues
- Torticollis
- Plagiocephaly
- Fussiness & colic
- Milestones
- Reflux
- Digestion
- Tongue tie
- Tension in the body
- Growing pains
Baby’s First Appointment
At your baby’s first appointment, you can expect a thorough history and physical examination followed by a detailed explanation of these findings, and an individualized treatment plan.
Pediatric Treatments
Your baby’s treatments may include a variety of gentle techniques such as chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue therapy, intraoral bodywork, stretches and rehabilitative exercise. Dr. Trainor educates parents on their babies’ bodies and how they can help their babies at home.
Adjustments on babies are very different than adjustments on older children and adults. The force used for paediatric adjustments is the same as what is used to check the ripeness of an avocado.